2024-2025 Dress Code

2024-2025 Elementary Dress Code

Students shall come to school looking clean and neat, wearing clothing and exhibiting grooming that will not be a health and/or safety hazard to the student or others.  The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, obscene or that depict or advertise tobacco products, alcoholic beverages of any kind, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under policy FNCA(L); further it prohibits any dress or grooming that, in the principal's judgment, may reasonably be expected to interfere with normal school operations.  If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school.  If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school.  Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.


  1. Slacks (including jeans)
  2. Dresses (fingertip length, conservative neckline)
  3. Shorts (fingertip length)
  4. Skirts (fingertip length)
  5. Split skirts (fingertip length)
  6. Earrings for boys and girls (not of a disruptive nature)
  7. Tops/Shirts must have conservative neckline
  8. ID Badges must be worn at all times
  9. All shirts long and oversized must be tucked in with belt
  10. Sweaters and sweatshirts longer than hip length must be tucked in
  11. Jeggings/tight stretch jeans/leggings/tights – acceptable with a fingertip length shirt/dress/skirt
  12. See-through clothing with appropriate clothing underneath for coverage
  13. Small facial piercings that are non-disruptive in nature


  1. Short shorts
  2. Bare midriffs/strapless tops/low cut, revealing tops/narrow strap tops or dresses
  3. Bare or stocking feet, house shoes, shoes with cleats of any kind
  4. Mesh shirts, tank tops, cut‑off shirts
  5. Ornamental chains hooked to clothing
  6. Cut, frayed or raveled clothing (where skin is revealed)
  7. Spandex shorts
  8. Any hairstyle or form of attire which might infer gang affiliation
  9. Shirts advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco products or containing distasteful printing or design-other examples: depictions of violence, morbidity, death, blood, daggers, etc. Any distasteful writings or pictures on shirts or sweater.
  10. Colored shoestrings that infer gang affiliation
  11. Extra-long shirts or tall T-shirts
  12. Jumpsuits (such as Dickies brand)
  13. Hats, caps, head coverings, or bandannas may not be brought into the building
  14. Studded bracelets, belts, or necklaces, visible disruptive body piercing
  15. Sunglasses may not be worn in the building
  16. Sagging pants, visible undergarments – pants must fit properly – oversized not allowed
  17. Inappropriate or disruptive tattoos
  18. Pajamas/boxer shorts/loungewear
  19. Long coats, trench coats, dusters, blankets, etc. (must be left in locker)
  20. Hoods may not be worn on the head in the school building
  21. Full Camouflage military fatigues
  22. See-through clothing, visible undergarments
  23. Unnatural colored contact lenses
  24. Skate shoes (internal skates that drop down)
  25. Hair rakes or hair rollers in hair
  26. Hoodies that cover any part of the face may not be worn on school property
  27. Ear Gauges, Spike Earrings
  28. Hoodies are not allowed to be worn in the classroom during State testing day

The above dress code is meant to serve the best interests of all students in this School District.  Any question or issue regarding the above statements will be referred to the campus administrator for resolution.  The School District reserves the right to establish rules during the year regarding new fashions in dress including the banning of certain articles of clothing adopted by gang-related youth as icons of identification.